Employees at the center
We aim to create the best possible conditions for everyone working with us. We strive to build an inclusive company characterized by good development opportunities, diversity, gender equality, good leadership, and a safe working environment – to offer the industry’s best workplace.
Health and work environment
Our workplaces must be safe and secure. Job satisfaction and well-being are crucial factors for doing a good job. Equally important is the balance between work and leisure. Due to the short summer here in northern Sweden, taking a vacation during the summer months is essential to us.
Development opportunities
Everyone should be able to develop within our company. We are particularly committed to developing our employees in areas that strengthen our ability to work sustainably, such as leadership, environment, work environment, gender equality, and ethics. It is natural for us that our employees should be able to develop towards personal goals, making the job more enjoyable and providing a sense of reward.
An inclusive and equal company
At CWN, we actively ensure that our company is inclusive equal, and mirrors society. Our employees should have equal rights, opportunities, and responsibilities, and we have zero tolerance for offensive discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, bullying, and discrimination. We stand up for each other and each other’s rights.
Climate and environment
Our impact on climate and the environment should be minimized. We choose to do things a bit more climate-smart whenever possible. And we influence our customers and suppliers to go further in their own environmentally and climate-impacting activities.
Part of society
At CWN, this is how we think: we influence and are influenced by society. Therefore, we always leave as small a climate footprint as possible. We should create opportunities for young people to get summer jobs and develop within their leisure activities. We want to contribute added value to society.